Fairmont Lions Club > Photo Gallery
Fairmont Lions Club Photo Gallery
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2024 Lions Peace Poster Contest Winners Recognized at East Fairmont Middle School. (L-R) Misty Skarzinski, Art Teacher; Bob Brummage, Fairmont Lions Club President; Reese Williams, Peace Poster Contest Winner; Debra Conover, EFMS Principal; Landen Burner, Runner-up.
The Midtown Leo Club designed a float and and appeared in White Hall and Fairmont Christmas parades.
Pierpont Community & Technical College staff and Midtown Leo Club members wrap gifts for children to be distributed at the Lions 2024 Christmas party for children at the Union Mission.
Midtown Leo Club and Fairmont Lions Club members worked side by side at Lions broom sale and Leo Trick or Treat.
Midtown Leo Club and Fairmont Lions Club members cleaned up the West Fork River Rail Trail.
Rob Pickett was inducted as a new club member by Dave Roberts. Pres. Bob Brummage was his sponsor.
2024-2025 club officers were installed by Past District Governor Tracy Smith.
The Fairmont Lions Club and Midtown Leo Club held an event to collect and recycle electronic waste from the commmunity.
The Fairmont Lions Club and Midtown Leo Club hosted an information booth at the White Hall Farmers and Artisans Market. Savannah Corder, working the booth, is vice president of the new Leo club.
The Fairmont Lions Club gave books to children at the Marion County Board of Education's Family Literacy Fair, April 2024. Free vision screening was also available to children.
The Fairmont Lions Club received the Campaign 100 Model Club plaque for club and member donations to Lions Clubs International Foundation. The Foundation provides disaster relief, as well as humanitarian services around the world.
Club members Bob Brummage, Bob Moffett and Aletta Moffett cleaned litter from the West Fork River Trail in April 2024. Club members and other volunteers clean the trail between Fairmont and the Everson Bridge trailhead throughout the trail season.
President Bob Brummage presented Tanya Waters of the Middletown Commons with a Certificate of Thanks for supporting the club's E-Waste recycling program.
Beulah Miller received her 15 year member chevron from Pree. Bob Brummage
Columbus Carpenter received his 10 year member chevron from Pres. Bob Brummage
Aletta Moffett received her 20 year member chevron from District Governor Daniel Heintzman
Children enjoy snacks at the 2023 Christmas Party for Children at the Fairmont Union Mission
Children receive gifts at the 2023 Christmas Party for Children at the Fairmont Union Mission
Wrapping Gifts for the 2023 Christmas Party for Children at the Fairmont Union Mission
2023 EFMS Peace Poster Contest
Fall Apple Sale on Fairmont Avenue
Lions Volunteers Cleaning West Fork River Rail Trail During 2023 Season
District Governor Dan Hientzman Visits Club
District Governor Dan Hientzman & Pres. Bob Brummage at DG Visit 2023
Books for Children & Vision Screening at Family Literacy Fair 2023
Leonard Jarrett Award Recipients Dr. Wilmoth & Dr. Carpenter along with Melvin Jones Recipient Keith Long (center)
PID Larry Johnson was Guest Speaker at 100th Anniversary Celebration April 20, 2023
Pres. Bob Brummage receives Melvin Jones Fellowship from DG Jay Houser at 100th Anniversary Celebration
Virginia Gallion Receives MJF from DG Jay Houser at 100th Anniversary Celebration